Establishing Organized Back-to-School Routines


Start the academic year off stress free with these back-to-school organization tips! Display a household master calendar. Discuss it with your child each day. Not only will this help with mastering the ideas of time and time management, but knowing what is coming up reduces stress for everyone. Color code school events, sports, doctor appointments, play dates, etc. Set up a designated homework area. Having a quiet place to work with school supplies at the ready will set your child up for successful homework completion. Place lined paper, a stapler, ruler, timer, index cards, and other tools in a bin. [...]

Establishing Organized Back-to-School Routines2021-10-05T13:07:21+00:00

The Power of Routine in a Multi-Tasking World


As a society, we seem to be in a constant state of multi-tasking. We watch television, surf the Web, and talk on the phone simultaneously. Meanwhile, we have dinner in the oven, and are watching the kids on the swing set out the kitchen window. In today’s modern world, sometimes it’s just unavoidable. We want to teach our children the importance of listening, paying attention, and following directions, but it can be tricky when we’re not always leading by example. We forget that these skills are not innate—they must be learned. Of course, not all learning is done in a classroom. [...]

The Power of Routine in a Multi-Tasking World2021-10-07T07:22:24+00:00

Professional Development
for Educators



Beth Dinelli, M.Ed
[email protected]

220 Reservoir Street, Suite 6 Needham, MA 02494-3133

Phone: 781.444.5193

Fax: 781.444.6916

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