Start the academic year off stress free with these back-to-school organization tips!

      1. Display a household master calendar. Discuss it with your child each day. Not only will this help with mastering the ideas of time and time management, but knowing what is coming up reduces stress for everyone. Color code school events, sports, doctor appointments, play dates, etc.
      2. Set up a designated homework area. Having a quiet place to work with school supplies at the ready will set your child up for successful homework completion. Place lined paper, a stapler, ruler, timer, index cards, and other tools in a bin. Establish a regular quiet period and encourage your child to get started on homework independently. Reward every 15 minutes of sustained attention with a movement break such as 20 jumping jacks or wall push-ups.
      3. Clean out backpacks each day. Model for your child where to file important papers like permission slips, how to recycle completed work that they do not wish to keep, and where to place completed homework to turn in. Sharpen pencils and repack for the next day!
      4. Utilize a landing zone. Determine a spot by the door for backpacks, sports bags, library books, and musical instruments so all is ready to grab during the morning shuffle.
      5. Allow for a 10-minute buffer. In this harried world, be sure to allow enough time to get out the door in the morning without rushing. It sets the tone for the day.

Wishing you a smooth start to the school year!


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